
Little Women (2019) - Monologue from movie

Little Women (2019) – Amy March INT. PARIS. ARTIST'S STUDIO. DAY. 1869. Amy is looking through her own paintings and sketches and has a disturbed expression on her face. Laurie enters. His lot in life is always to be apologizing to one March sister or another, and he looks truly contrite. LAURIE: Hello Amy! AMY: (not turning around) I don't want to see you. LAURIE: Oh, Amy I'm so sorry for how I behaved. Please? Forgive me? AMY: (still not turning) Have you been drinking /again? LAURIE: /Only a little, and it's 4pm, you can't be too hard on me. AMY: Someone has to do it. LAURIE: So when do you begin your great work of art, Raphaella? AMY: (finally turning) Never. He sees her face, the ashen worry traced on it. LAURIE: What - why? AMY: (grim)I'm a failure. Jo is in New York, being a writer, and I am a failure. LAURIE: That's quite a statement to make at twenty. AMY: Rome took all the vanity out of me. And Paris made me realize I'd never be a genius. I...

Why Zone of Proximal Development is Important in Education

By Lalitpatra Kodsup      The Zone of Proximal Development is the sweet spot of education; this is where meaningful learning happens. If you are an educator, you are bound to come across Vygotsky’s ZPD and Social Development Theory. A theory that is based on performance-based learning, individualized learning, and customized learning.     What Is the Zone of Proximal Development? The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), or zone of potential development is a learning or cognitive development theory developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky. The ZPD is the range of abilities a student can perform with the guidance of an expert or teacher, but still not have the proficiency to perform it by themselves. Vygotsky (1978) believed that “what the child [or learner] is able to do in collaboration today, he will be able to do independently tomorrow.” There are three separate stages a student may fall in terms of their skill set and for learning to take place, the teacher...